Category Archives: Blog

Ignore Those with a Stick

I couldn’t help but be aware of how divided we have become. We seem to

A Sea of Waffles

I often felt like an outsider growing up. I never seemed to quite fit in.


Pursuing a Scapegoat

I’m guilty of this, and it doesn’t help me change. When my life doesn’t turn


I Only Need One

I only need one is an expression I use to help calm myself in certain


That’s a Wrap

I look forward to this time of the year – Wrap Time. It is the

Why Do I Do This to Myself?

I am reading a couple of books right now. They are way out of my

Learn, Work, Retire?

I’ve been catching up on keeping up with the impacts artificial intelligence will make in


The Sharing of Memories

I recently had opportunities to reflect on what memories are all about with the passing


We Need to Eat More Dirt

I gagged when I first tried out this Blog title. But, before you stop reading,

Now for a Bit of Fun

I know by now you know words are important to me. Selecting just the right