Author Archives: glenn

For Entertainment Purposes Only

I enjoy reading about predictions. The most common one I pay attention to is the

Speaking My Truth

I’ve heard that phrase many times, usually in the context of someone telling their beliefs


I Bought an Adventure Pass

I often buy Adventure Passes. I don’t find them advertised as such, so I have

Pegasus Bridge: D-Day

I have been to Pegasus Bridge. That trip brought tears to my eyes. The picture

I Wear This Dress, Daily

I want to explain! A few years ago, a picture of a dress went viral.

From Time to Times

I want to be sure you realize the title is not a typo. I meant


Hello, My Name is…

I have noticed the increasing use of folks telling me their preferred gender pronouns. I


Yesterday is a Barrier For Me

I came across this title in an article. It caught my eye, and I wondered


Engaging Titles

I was skimming the newspaper recently and arrived at the book section. I usually quickly

2 Best Times to Plan

I know that time is marching on. Those ahead of me were right. It goes