Author Archives: glenn

Red Big Truck

I know the title reads funny. It just doesn’t sound right. For those whose first

 Leave the Light On

I was on a road trip with my wife recently. We are wiser now and

My Watch May Be Biased

I look forward to a clever wristwatch that can tell me how my blood sugars


You’ve Lost …

I start to think this way when I haven’t seen a good friend in person.

Life’s Lesson is to Learn the Lesson

I like this bumper sticker as one of my guide rails for my life. Let

Because It Will be on the Test

I recall sitting in many classes in the latter years of high school and through


Older Adults Can Help Older Teens

I think one of the roles that older adults can play in Western society is

A Paltering I Will Go…

I’m not sure where I first heard this word. I don’t do crossword puzzles often,


Play has no Room for Seriousness

I was taking a self-administered course on how structures stay up; buildings, bridges, etc. I’m


The Diabolic Beetle

I may have cheated a bit on the title. The ironclad beetle has the formal