Author Archives: glenn

Who is Water?

I wonder if we’d view water differently if we personified it. I don’t mean to

I Miss my Edmonton Folk Music Festival

I’m better prepared to miss the Edmonton Folk Music Festival (EFMF) this year because of

My Letter to the Future

We can remember to say thank-you to the young adults who we know or cross

Pick a Station, Any Station

I know the first thing a magician says to engage an audience when performing a

I’ll Never Be Obsolete

Crisis moments of identity can occur at milestones of abrupt change such as; sudden onset

AGMs – I Love Them

Local registered not-for-profits are important components supporting your neighbourhood. Consider buying a membership. in St.

I’m Taking Control

You have the time. Take control. Do at least one of the things on your

The Mother of New Ways

The pandemic exacerbated systemic weaknesses. We can easily improve our medical system, save lives, improve

Think Like a 10 Year Old

The pandemic gives us time to reflect how we might improve the old normal.

Systemic Discrimination

Systemic discrimination, racial in particular, needs individual and collective action to promote equality.