Author Archives: glenn

50th Blog -Reflections

I seem to be have been born under a lucky star. January 1, 2021, is


A Wilderness of Mirrors

I heard this expression used to describe the world of spies. A more popular phrase

A Secret Shared, Isn’t a Secret

I believe that when a secret is shared with another person, it is no longer


They Deserved It, I Didn’t

I can get too much into myself at times, especially when something terrible happens. Sometimes

An Unremarkable Life

This is my first Blog to introduce a Guest. I wanted to write a Blog

Complexity Behind the Statement

I’m drawn to simple statements. I’m even more attracted to the complexity behind such statements.

Tyranny of They

I’d like to be they, if only for an hour. So unaccountable, anonymous, hidden, yet

The Noises of Aging

A friend of mine was complaining about her ageing husband, who is about my age.

Remember and Think

I am fortunate that I can’t remember the second World War. I was born several

My Taxes are too Low

I hear many times that prices are too high. We pay too much tax. I