Author Archives: glenn

Less Overachieving

I am getting older every day—no news flash there. But in my younger years, I

The Mirrorworld

I am curious about the future – both within my lifetime and beyond. I saw

Hello, Is This 555

I am familiar with the prefix telephone number ‘555’ being used as a fictional number

Brave Birds Fly Through Fog

I like bumper sticker-type phrases, as my regular readers already know. But they can mislead


To Change your Life, First Change your Thinking

I came across this quote from Bernard Shaw – “Progress is impossible without change, and

Ensuring Your Energy Needs

I have been curious about the various ways we can store energy. Batteries are the

Going Dark

I have had a few things in my life lately that sent me to the


We Hear What We Want to Hear

I thought it was time to have some fun. The saying, absence makes the heart


A Reference, Not a Residence

I read this phrasing in a Facebook post. It caught my eye, but I didn’t


Old Keys Don’t Open New Locks

As a young lad about 10 years old, I remember taking a shortcut across a